Living Bridges Foundation connects indigenous community's
educational and civil projects and NGOs with private European and
American foundations.The community project participants work to
improve their community's present and future as well as educate
people of all ages in indigenous traditions. In addition,
we raise money to seed new projects awaiting more long-term funding
or provide interim funding for projects between grants.
Click here to see the latest LBF news and developments!
Click here to view slideshow of
Dressing the Mountains in Green Project.
Click below to view a video of Juan Patricio Pilco about the DMG project.
Current projects supported through our cross-cultural
bridges include the Dressing the Mountain in Green Project in the Ecuadorian Andes, currently funded by Tian
Gong Institute, Berlin;
the Living Bridges Foundation; and Guaria de Osa & Cocoterra Rainforest Permaculture projects in Costa Rica. Our newest
project brings Energy Healing and Qi Training of the Tian Gong
Institute to health workers and others in the Lima, Arequipa, Cuzco, Puerto
Maldonado, and Iberia regions of Peru.
our founding in 1995 we have completed projects of building a school and bringing potable
water to a Q'eros community of
villages in the high Andes, funded cultural heritage workshops
and a traditional medical garden and cultural center at Centro
Wanamey in the Manu
Biosphere area of Peru,
and supported a gathering of traditional Shamans in
I am happy about the interest all feel for the forest.
There was a time when our people were only interested in the
cities. Seeing the interest in the plants and in our forests
encourages me.
... A school where we could teach our children how to cultivate
and use plants is ideal, because our children are our future.
Mateo Italiano Toribo, Machiguenga, Shamans Confederation
Please explore our website to learn more about the
work we do and the people we have had the privilege of working
with in our collective efforts to support indigenous lifeways
in the Americas. We are volunteers--your donations go
directly to support the work and people of these projects.
Donna Runnalls, Connie Tritt, Jane Ostranderl
Founding Directors, The Living Bridges Foundation; Not shown: Jonathon Miller-Weisberger, Director